Madeline has been busy locomoting this week.
She can push along while holding on to things and walk around,
is climbing anything she can, can go up stairs and is more or less bored
with crawling.
So...she bumped her head pretty hard and has a bruise now.
it bothered me a lot more than her, i assure you.
I put on a dvd and gave her a banana while i iced her head and
she was all better in seconds.
But she is happy as can be these days now that she can get around on her own.
Her favorites this week are books- she can sit and entertain herself by opening
and shutting the same page over and over again, stacking blocks- mmmm they are
so tasty, and rolling a ball back and forth.
I mean, she really loves sucking on the screen door and eating random bits
of anything off the floor but thats nothing to brag about!.
Here she is reading her books to "Uncle John". Our good friend John Lehnert from Don's old office.
She is making all sorts of sounds and noises and "words" these days. I am working on a video where she says Mama since thats her main word for everything right now.