We had a blast celebrating with our neighbors - the whole city of rockville comes to see our block because the neighbors go crazy for halloween. no joke, busloads. Madeline had a blast and was really taking it all in tonight. We dont know if she loved the candy giving at our door or the trick or treating on the block better.
Here are a few quick snapshots too! Yes- a recap on the dragonfly from last year, because she did not want any part of the Madeleine costume in the end..but she loved her wings this year now that she can "steer" them! xoxo
Here are some pics from two weeks ago at Aunt Linda's in Shreveport, and the Science Museum that she took us to. Thanks Aunt Julie for sending them along!
Ava and Julie Don enjoying science
Carl and Don enjoying Southern Maid Donuts!
Grandma Rose with her grandaughters, Ava and Madeline Cody entertaining Madeline Julie, Carl and Ava
It is autumn. the leaves are falling, we are wearing scarves and hats and we have pumpkins, wreaths and scarecrows all around. The best part of it all is that we got Ghosted! A trick or treat bucket of treats were delivered stealthily to the door with a white ghost inside. We were to put him on our door, copy the instructions and play the game on two neighbors. How fun! It is fun to live in a close-knit comminuty. We can't wait for you all to come and visit!
oh and... we are working on Don's dungeon... it is (despite the awful wood paneling and green plush carpet, a real media room now!)
So, for a while now, we have known that Madeline's cousin, Jack in Tennessee is a genius but here is the proof!
he is a few months older than madeline (2 and change) and he can recite the Preamble to the Constitution, sing the national anthem and name most of the states. He was at the city hall in his home town last month to "perform" for the mayor and then went to an 8th grade class to show them how its done bc they could not master the Preamble.
We always knew madeline's best buddy Claire, in California was a gifted child and now we know that we have to hook these two up for serious Nobel activity one day!
i got some pics from aunt margaret from last month- here they are for you, but i want to warn you- they are on a website with which i am unfamiliar. it seems if you click on them, they will open in a windown through the webshots website. Please use the back arrow t get back to our blog after looking at each shot. xoxo
There have been many requests for belly shots i have none! here is one from last month though aunt margaret is not going to be happy with this post bc she is not smiling in the pic. look beyond that and see the belly!
Well, the midwife felt the baby kick in our office visit today. That makes 4 people who have felt these kicks (me, don and madeline being the first 3 since the baby likes to whack her when she is on my belly in the Ergo Carrier) His/her heartbeat is strong and everything is measuring just right. We got our orders to schedule the next ultrasound! Yes folks- that means we will have a pronoun to use very soon!
Its Autumn on Auburn Avenue! We love the leaves (except of course we have to buy a rake!)
the video does not do the colors justice- you should visit! we have a great guestroom! Family Pumpkin Picking
We have been to California to see the Vicks, Jason, the Wongs, the Chabuls, Mittras, Ray-Yorros, Ben, the Abrams, Alissa and Zachary and the Flowers, and eat San Francisco delights. Then we went to Louisianna to say goodbye to Grandma Frances Mann and to spend time with The Mann clan down south. All of this since my last post. Also, Madeline's cousin Dimitri turned 4 and she has learned about the little girl obsession with princesses and all things frilly thanks to our good friends Rachael and Elianna. The leaves have begun changing in our neighborhood and Uncle Deedge came to visit and carved pumpkins! Then Don and I took her to the ultimate pumpkin farm this afternoon. Here are a few of the pics I have accumulated over the past 3 weeks. I hope to get more, and vids up too. (aunt Julie- send me your pics!) ;)
uncle deedge and madeline Dennis daddy and madeline with the jack o lantern! Best friend Bath at Elianna's house in CA Cupcakes that Rachael and Eliana made for Madeline's bday celebration in CA
dressup now that Madeline has been introduced to princesses Visiting Sachin Netie helping Madeline open her Birthday gift from Sachin Dressup...all by herself! Princess...again Birite creamery in SF with daddy- they make a Soy chocolate so Madeline could order her own for once! Dimitri's birthday at the pottery painting store Aunt Julie (and baby belly), Grandma Rose and Cody with Madeline at the Science museum- thanks to Aunt Linda's treating us!
Ava- Madeline's favorite new baby, with mom, April and dad Carl's hat (out to dinner in Louisinanna for catfish- yum :)
Pumpkin Patch this afternoon
pumpkins everywhere but we have been here all day- time to go home for nap zzzz