We had a wonderful support team here for the past 2 weeks. Nana and Papa came from San Mateo while Don was away for business.
They were able to stay here with madeline while don and i took bennett to phoenix for 2 days for a friend’s wedding and in the interim, they managed to get our landscaping in order and complete at least half of the ‘honey-do’ list!
We had a fantastic time at the air and space museum and showing them around our town and all of our local haunts.
Thank you so much Nana and Papa! We would not have survived 2 weeks w/o don by ourselves!
Halloween would not have been the same without you guys either. and of course, im only now realizing that there is a huge scarcity of photos of you guys from the trip- why dont you come back?!
There they are waiting for trick or treat time! Madeline in her aptly named Madeline costume (pronounced with a long ‘I’ sound) and Bennett as a dalmation.
Here’s Madeline in her pseudo costume on Halloween Day. when she decided she wanted to dress up as Daddy for halloween. note the goat!
and Madeline and Eliana who was dressed momentarily in one of the fairy costumes from the dress-up bin. I really think that the holiday would have been meaningless for madeline had she not been able to spend it with her friends, the wongs! thanks for joining us :)
Eliana actually went as an angel with her brother Benji decked out in a devil frock and mom and dad Jonah and Rachael had Super mom and Super dad capes for their costumes.All of which Rachael made herself!!
And to top it all off.. we had pumpkin pot pies for dinner!