We took the kids to see the first stage production of the old school claymation holiday movie of Rudolph at our own Adventure Theatre- It was so much fun. It was Bennett's first full length play and he sat through it, captivated.
(that is bennett's new 'cheese')
and Madeline learned the words to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, see:
just remembered to post these from last month the pics dont do justice to the experience of it all mostly- fingers up the nose, staring into space and generally not following the ballet teacher's instructions whatsoever. Then they let the little brothers get up and dance too it was a blast!
HOME! too bad we were in the emergency medical center later that night- who knew you could Become allergic to Pine trees- poor madeline... but we got the house done and were happy with the results
Then.. madeline and i took a 4 hour road trip to see the Clark crew: 5 star hotel brunch with uncle deedge and family! Complete with lifesized gingerbread house! check out the ingredients in that house- 400 lbs of icing...! Getting to see White Christmas and meet the cast afterward with Deedge's castmates- priceless. .
Santa rescues a stranded driver at the mall- grabs his jumper cables and his 'my boss is jesus' cap and lends a hand! Santa shows up at storytime!
what a great santa- he recited the Grinch story by heart!
We got to go see our friend's broadway debut (ok so its the broadway national tour). Jill calls us at 6:30 to let us know she is surprising him at his Rock of Ages Premiere and we head up to Baltimore STAT. Here she is applauding him at curtain call! And of course, me with Zygo, posing with Constantine.
Took madeline on our date night out to dessert and an impromptu christmas celebration in town square.
And ironically, Here you see Madeline celebrated Hannukah with us tonight. She set the table herself!
and spent some qt with our son too!
Madeline put him on the potty and gave him an ottoman :)
music time in our playroom Sophie and Madeline are in the same preschool class and so their mom, Rebecca, and I watch eachother's son when we are co-opping in the girls' classroom once a week. The boys get lots of time together and then after school we inevitably end up having an impromptu playdate and lunch. Today there was more play than lunch, as usual ;)
We had a blast making cider at a local cider press with our friends, Julie, Jeremy and Ally. What a nice way to jump into the holiday spirit. 25lbs of apples- almost 2 gallons of homemade cider and the kids did most of the work!
had to post a few quick pics so you could see their costumes...
Great day at Madeline's school for a costume parade and even the little ones got involved!
The Wongs came over this year for our second annual movie night on halloween. We had dinner together (jack o lantern pot pies), and don set up a movie in our carport for trick or treaters. The kids loved it and I wasnt sure they even wanted to leave to go trick or treating!
and don and i got our friends in on a little theme costume party too. check it out:
and of course, the obligatory pumpkin carving- with a twist this year. We carved a sweet pumpkin. roasted the seeds, ate the pumpkin and took one of the other ones and gave it the ol' mr potato head treatment.