Madeline was playing with her dolls and said 'Arnie is from Chicago'
I asked her, because i know I have never talked to her about Chicago, where she heard that city's name. And she said:
'Mommy, the President used to live there".
Well, okay then...
Also, Bennett got his 8th tooth yesterday, is working on climbing safetly down the stairs since he has been crawling up for months now.
Madeline has been gardening every day, planting seeds and hoping to see sprouts soon.
She has also been identifying birds in our neighborhood- sparrows, robins, cardinals, bluejays, wren etc. She has really gotten into the outdoors this month and has loved our bike trips.
Bennett is obsessed with dogs and squeals and runs to every one he sees. He is remarkably good at petting gently.

Yesterday on our bike ride Bennett and his friend Henry (almost 1 yr) were together in the chariot bike trailer. Bennett spent the whole ride giving Henry his straw-cup, raising it to henry's lips and holding it for him to drink.
At the same time, Madeline has made a great deal with her friend, Sophie who likes to push and at the playground the girls work together on the swings.
It has been amazing to see these two developing real friendships.
Madeline has been able to go to bed with the sitter once a week for months now. She is a great night sleeper and napper too! It took 3 years but finally! Bennett still naps 2x/day with no problem as long as we are home. He is beginning to nurse less frequently and for shorter durations, likes milk in a cup and i can see his nursing lasting well under the 2 years Madeline's did. That is bittersweet for me but i look forward to getting out either with Don or alone every now and then without the fear that he wont eat or sleep.
They boy eat such a well balanced diet, begging for apricots, pretzels or fruit for their treats and gobbling edamame, beans and other healthy foods for snacks.
Madeline has become really focused on following the rules and is great at reminding me for example not to talk with my mouth full and to look both ways before crossing the street.

The kids love spending time playging together and squeal with laughter first thing in the morning when bennett crawls to madeline to put his head on hers for a cuddle.
They are growing in so many ways and we are so lucky to be a part of their transformation(s). Of course we have our roller-coaster days but more often than not, we count ourselves as blessed to have eachother and to have these amazing kids.