Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daddy Field Trip Day

Don took Madeline’s Nursery School class on their field trip last week to Brookside Gardens to see the Butterfly exhibit. The got to into the greenhouse where they saw all sorts of butterflies in different stages of development and got to touch a butterfly wing!

Madeline and Sophie, as usual, were inseparable ;)







( And the week before was inside-out day at her school. Here we are all dressed and ready to go )


Thursday, May 27, 2010


She has mastered the trike.
Here she is at school

(sent from my new camera!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

He speaks

It occurs to me that i haven't put any videos of Bennett and his new words on the blog in a while. I will work on that this week.
Meanwhile, here is what he is saying (note that while many of these words are clear to him, and used for the correct purpose regularly, some come out sounding rather different- check the parenthesis for pronunciation ;)

Bye Bye
Dada (with sign)
sister (sistuh)
ball (bah) (with sign)
bear (beh)... and sound effect "rar"
cracker (crackah)
cow... moo
eat (with sign)
cheese (chsss) (with sign)
apple (appuh) (with sign)
trees (trss) (with sign)
dog (gog).. wffff (with sign)
hat (haaa) (with sign)
eyes (points)
nose (no)(points)
flower (lowah)
car (cah) vrmmm
duck/quack (kok/kak) (with sign)
water (wahwah)
more (meh)(with sign)
baby (behbhe)
girl (guh)
Thank you (dah tyou)(with sign)
night-night (nah nah)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Busy weekend

We did so many great things this weekend that im pretty sure we all looked something like this at some point. just from sheer exhaustion. Thanks for the great visit Deedge! You are a trooper and we all love you.


Deedge took me out on a date to see a comedy show on Sat night- Whitney Cummings. It was hysterical and we had a great time being the oldest people at the bar afterwards. Im sure they all thought we were their HS principals…  and even more fun when we got back to the parking garage and it was closed. Yikes!

On Saturday too, madeline got to spend the day with her Daddy at the Gaithersburg Book Festival. They had a blast together.




What a great day!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are you kidding me?



This is what happens when I go to work at madeline’s co-op and leave Don and Deedge home with the kids.

WHY cant don be the SAHP and I make the money?

He literally made this pie without any help. and it tastes exactly as good as it looks.

(Strawberry Rhubarb btw bc we were inspired by this week’s CSA items!)


I came home and made yummy cocoa to go with it. Our friends and neighbors, the Wise family brought us delicious cocoa powder from Trinidad bc Izionne knows about my family heritage (Grandpa was born there) and always likes to introduce us to my roots. The other day it was Tamarind candy which Madeline loved but was too spicy for me!

So we made this last night too:


The local Shaman created it from things he picked and collected in the trees/plants from the village in which they stayed. (It comes as a hard rock of the cocoa and you have to grate it and mix it with sugar and milk to make a more american friendly concoction).




Monday, May 17, 2010

Madeline runs a race!


She tends to take a liking to things that I do and so i thought she’d love running. She is so fast and when we play outdoors sometimes I really have to run to keep up. We talked all about the race and told her in the morning it was the big day.


We got all ready, tying shoes and warming up.

They had so many fun things for kids there –even a great moon bounce with rockwall climbing to a huge slide inside.

we lined up and …. it went downhill. She was overwhelmed by the volume of kids and screaming parents.

When they said ‘go’, Don says she froze. I was headed to the finish to take pictures.

When i got back she was in tears. But all was not lost. I held her hand and we ran the route to lots of cheering fans. She finished and sweet little boy who won, came over and shook her hand and said ‘good game’.

Bennett was thrilled to be a spectator but next year im sure he will join the fun!

It was awesome to see how proud she was for finishing (and mom too- in a skirt and flip-flops!). Then we all got donuts and all was good.


As if it were not enough to have a great morning out, Madeline’s godmother, Jill and Uncle Zygo sent a package for their yearly baptism acknowledgement. They are so good never to forget and since Jill always gets Madeline shoes for her gift, she went all out and sent a fancy dress up bag of fun shoes as well as a fab tutu. (princess dress if you ask madeline- shhhh). Thank you so much! She was Thrilled and has worn them nonstop since!


Friday, May 14, 2010







and its fun to paint on my sister too. Good thing mom made her disrobe and smock up!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother’s Day



I was so lucky to have my mom come to visit this week for while don was away. We got to spend mother’s day together and she had her first mani/pedi! I, of course had one too- thank’s Don! What a great day not having to make any of the kids’ meals or change a diaper. I have a great husband.



Don made a yummy dinner and we splurged on a homemade pie from Butler’s Orchard! He schlepped the kids there just for me!


To all the amazing moms i know and love- i hope your day was as wonderful as mine- you all work so hard and have children so lucky to have you.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fun in the Sun Part 1

Some pics from our trip to Fl last week.

Dad promised alligators and he delivered! The kids loved swimming and I loved the sunsets and soft sand. All in all, a good family getaway and so nice to spend some time chatting with dad and granny!


outside of our hotel on the beach


sunset out the door of our hotelIMG_6011


Bennett greeting the locals on our morning stroll in pajamas!


more morning jammie time!


The BEACH!  dont get used to it bennett…





hotel pool complete with waterfall!


hangin poolside before bed and at breakfast



Thanks Dad. we miss you!


Family Florida Fun

Just got back from a great Spring trip to Florida to see Papa ric and granny d. swimming, eating and hanging out- Thanks for the good times dad!! Im still stuffed!


Madeline helping granny dorothy open her mother’s day gift.


in Tarpon Springs at Hellas Greek restaurant wioth Papa Ric.


IMG_6084 Bennett hangin at Granny’s



“SMILE EVERYONE!”..   (This is what you get ) LOL


Dad, Madeline,Ashia and Bennett hanging out

