She tends to take a liking to things that I do and so i thought she’d love running. She is so fast and when we play outdoors sometimes I really have to run to keep up. We talked all about the race and told her in the morning it was the big day.
We got all ready, tying shoes and warming up.
They had so many fun things for kids there –even a great moon bounce with rockwall climbing to a huge slide inside.
we lined up and …. it went downhill. She was overwhelmed by the volume of kids and screaming parents.
When they said ‘go’, Don says she froze. I was headed to the finish to take pictures.
When i got back she was in tears. But all was not lost. I held her hand and we ran the route to lots of cheering fans. She finished and sweet little boy who won, came over and shook her hand and said ‘good game’.
Bennett was thrilled to be a spectator but next year im sure he will join the fun!
It was awesome to see how proud she was for finishing (and mom too- in a skirt and flip-flops!). Then we all got donuts and all was good.
As if it were not enough to have a great morning out, Madeline’s godmother, Jill and Uncle Zygo sent a package for their yearly baptism acknowledgement. They are so good never to forget and since Jill always gets Madeline shoes for her gift, she went all out and sent a fancy dress up bag of fun shoes as well as a fab tutu. (princess dress if you ask madeline- shhhh). Thank you so much! She was Thrilled and has worn them nonstop since!