We also a rain date at the Playseum. a great indoor space. It is a kids' bookstore and also has 10 rooms for playing, being creative and exploring. She loves the art room and the little pretend grocery store. Bennett and don played in every single room and had a blast.
Next up from our week of fun- 8/28: MyGym Free for all and town square booze boogie with mom and dad
we have dont a lot of great things over the past 2 weeks. Bennett's and my mobility has afforded us a few great outings and because Don had so much work on our vacation week, he has made a huge effort to come with us and have some adventures.
the next few posts will include the highlights: We went to ride the train and carousel at Wheaton regional park. Met up with some friends and had a blast till Bennett got his first bee sting. he is traumatized too and climbs up on my head (or don's) now when he sees an insect shouting with fear 'Butterfly! Butterfly". We have to keep showing him that only a few insects can hurt him but for now he is scarred. Thank goodness he loved the rides ;)
best part- all of these places are about 10-20 min away, depending on traffic. We live in a great place.' More to come: The National Zoo, county fair, playseum and MyGym/Town Square music
Montgomery County Fair- The animals took up most of our time but Madeline and Don got to ride together on her first carnival ride! She did the pony ride again this year too, and loved the moon bounce. She was excited too, to see an new baby chick emerging from its shell.See the little beak poking through in the front?
Madeline and i had a lot of quiet time together tonight as Don is in CA and B still goes to sleep at 7.
We were scooping watermelon with the melon baller- which is one of the kids' favorite summer pastimes of course. After devouring about 1/4 of the melon, she looks up at me and says :
"Is a watermelon a seed habitat?"
Then later, we are playing 'visitor' and she comes to the front door to ring the bell, I answer as always 'won't you please come in?!" and this is where she usually says "here is a pepperoni pizza i brought!" and she makes me put it in the kitchen -all mimed of course. but tonight she steps in, on tippy toes and says
"My your house smells like roses!" 'thank you' "Have you painted your floors?" "I have a flower in my hair, see?".
The kid just cracks me up- where does she get this stuff?!
got the cast off on day 41 today. Feels good but like i just took off roller skates, you know? Now i wear the brace and continue physical therapy for 4 weeks and maybe by late septemeber ill be back on the rockwall.
ps: Bennett's cast is set to come off on the 30th!
Madeline has been a trooper this month. So when her friend Zachary wanted to have a playdate on Monday, I jumped at the chance. Joan, a most generous friend of mine offered to come get madeline and bring her to her house (20 min away) for a lunch date. I dont tell madeline about ANYTHING until it is imminent. Lest i should hear 'now mommy' now mommy... all day or the screams and sobs of let-down if there should be a catastrophe and it doesnt happen. So when she saw Zachary pull up to our house, she came running to me 'Zachary's here!' 'do you know why, madeline?' 'why?!' 'you are going to his house for a playdate.' 'now, mommy isnt going to be the...' and before i could finish my sentence, she had her shoes and hat on and was walking out to their car. So she had her first non chaperoned playdate and it was incredible for us all.
bennett is not afraid of this cast at all climbing stairs, up and into chairs, me. anything he used to climb and then some and by the second day of cast-wearing, he was walking on it i dont know how but he's cruising.
He got the cast Monday at noon. This was him Tuesday morning
and this was him a few days later. (first 20seconds are in blackness but then he leaves one room and you'll see him enter the next)
Don bought Madeline and I tickets for Mary Poppins at the Kennedy Center and we went out on a girls-only adventure. It was magical- for both of us
Here she is arriving at the Kennedy Center's Millenium stage (they do free performances at 6pm before the mainstage- hence the rockin music pre-poppins)
and since my good friend Kiara is in the Broadway National Tour, we got to go backstage and try on costumes and stand on the set. Ok so madeline did not get home till 11:15pm (on a no-nap day of course) but it was totally worth it to see her face light up the instant we arrived at the theatre. When the lights went down and curtain opened, she already started applauding. Amazing.
Thank you Don and Kiara for making this day spectacular. Just what we needed this month top right= Kiara Bennett (we met at geneseo doing the musical Hair)
Madeline admiring the showcase of cast costumes especially Mary's hats.
madeline getting the backstage star treatment with 'aunt kiara'
her new favorite doll... mary poppins :) (i know its sort of a cross between boy george, michael jackson and julie andrews but she loves it and so do i!) Kiara, you are the best! I cried so many times watching you perform, knowing you are living your dreams. it is incredible. you are so talented! an inspiration ;)
bennett and madeline were chatting in her bedroom today while i put away laundry. Bennett was looking at the butterfly on madeline's wall and she told him it was from grandma rose. he repeated it back to her so clearly- tried to catch it on video and this is all the stinker would give me.
the cast does not phase him but where it seems to rub the top of his thigh is already red and he's had it on for 3 hours. I am going to try to file it down with a nail file (they say not to use cotton or line it with anything, lest it falls into the cast and cuts off circulation.)
Bennett's orthopedic surgeon says in 3 weeks he should be fine- might need a few days to really be confident and might walk silly for a while but he'll be fine. It was a which showed up as a severely bowed tibia but will eventually look like a long lengthwise fracture, once the bone begins to heal.
he is being a great sport today after missing his nap and missing lunch only to be pinned to a table with his hurt leg held down for more xrays and then held down on a table while strangers wrapped his leg with scratchy fiberglass. But he is smiling and playing with his sister now so all is well. we are a lucky family.
Despite Bennett's injury, we managed to have a pretty good weekend. Madeline and mom go one way and Don takes Bennett another way. We ended up at Sophie's birthday party (just us girls bc its a backyard party and Bennett is stuck crawling his pathetic leg-dragging crawl everywhere). We had an excellent time! Sophie is a big Shark fan- check out her cake- in honor of sharkweek!
B took a fall last night and we spent the morning getting HIS xrays see anything? we are awaiting results. Dr says it could be a 'toddler fracture' which may or may not need a cast and may or may not show up for a few days bc of all the cartilage-
i can only say that don is a WEE bit curious how he is going to manage working a double-time job, or any job for that matter, with a mom who cant lift her baby who cant walk. No matter what, we are going to have a fun filled month!