Spicy foods...check
Bumpy car rides...check
Walking...check check check
Stairs...try the ballpark bleachers! check
Pelvic Exams...what fun...check
Private time...uh-hem thats what got us here in the first place...check
Preparing for breastfeeding....you know what i mean...well, check
and lastly, acupuncture...see for yourself:

4 in the ears...ouch! that made me queasy

ankles and big toes

Right in the soft spot on the hand
So the doctor suggested that it has a good chance of working within 24-48 hours.
after day 1...nothing
day 2 ... nothing
i went back THREE TIMES over 6 days
and brought Don to the last appointment to see for himself.
Its a nice time to lay quietly and relax. And the baby kicks the heck out of me
when they put the pins in. So I imagine its doing something...
But here we are approximately 8 or so days past the due date and waiting (im)patiently.
The Hospital staff today told us she is, and i quote, "Perfect".
My belly has to have a 6 count of fluid in it to make her safe
We had 15.
She kicked like a champ and her pulse raced when she did, just as it was supposed to.
We watched her take practice breath after breath.
So..she is just practicing. Getting ready for her big entrance.
And we met with the Doc who give us till Monday before we need to make
an induction appointment.
Alright baby...its all in your hands now.
Ps: I had a lovely birthday. So many phone calls and loved ones checking in
and a great gift that the baby is in great health. Don got me a fantastic karaoke for
our living room and we went for a tasty dinner. (I also ate cake for breakfast- thanks Jess!)
So another day goes by sans baby. But all is well
Much love to you all

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