Monday, October 16, 2006

No more sleepy baby

So, when she was born i told everyone that she was a sleepy baby but it was a bummer to have to wake her up to eat. so many folks said i was so lucky. I was sure that it wouldnt last forever. and low and behold. as soon as she no longer needed to be woken for her feedings, cuz she had gained back all of her weight...she was waking herself!
she eats approximately 22 hours a day. Many times she sleeps while she eats i think, but never if i put her down.
so today i took one of her few waking but not eating moments as an opportunity for her to show you how strong she is.
She has been holding her own head up since day 2!
Any day now and she'll be walking!

okay...i exaggerate. but i love her...come on!
here's a video from this afternoon.

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