Can you believe that only 2 months ago Madeline was this tiny little baby? Now look at her! She is more beautiful and stronger and more curious everyday. Her personality just shines. She talks and smiles and is so much a little person now. I am in awe... can you tell? Check out the 2 new pics below to compare! HREF=''>
We have been a bit under the weather this week Madeline got her 2 month shots and mommy is sick with something yucky. Not too many pics but i took these today so you wouldnt wear out the old pics!
flas a little too close but she is still pretty cute! She is trying to stand up this week. When she is burping on my shoulder she holds on and pushes against my lap with her feet and bears all of her weight for a few minutes at a time. She is talking up a storm and holding her head up for a long time now. She is 11 and a half pounds and 23 1/4 inches this week good girl!
We had a great Thanksgiving today. We spent some time at Nana Sharon and Papa Ron's before going over to Chantal's house for Thanksgiving dinner... We had an excellent dinner and then the guys enjoyed some time on the Wii and the ladies chatted a bit at the table. We all enjoyed Cream Puffs for dessert! Here are some pictures... We miss you all.
Last night Madeline went to bed at 11pm. woke up at 2am (she hadn't eaten since 9:30 so thats fair) then she went back to sleep in her bed and didn't wake up until 6:30 when she heard the alarm clock in our room. Daddy ran and put her in the swing and she stayed there until 8am when i found her making goo goo eyes at a sly fish hanging on her swing's mobile. I think he is making the move on her since she is so obviously smitten. If she woke up this happy every time I would be the most at-ease mom on the planet. Maybe this is a new day for the California Manns. She did,after all take her pacifier and sleep in the car twice today instead of scream her head off like the day before. who knows... anyway, back to the video:
Toby loving baby Madeline! Dan and Toby. Newlyweds, practicing...? MonaLisa and Jino at YouthWorks meeting the new addition. That's mommy's office Maddie!
Mom gets a computer cam pic for Natasha when she comes back to the office.
Don makes me the best breakfasts on Saturdays Strawberry Pecan pancakes and sausage! YUM Thanks to beth and jack. they brought strawberries over once and we got creative and now i'm hooked!
Aunt V watched Madeline and we went to Pete's for a Schaarfenberger Mocha Fredo OUR FAVORITE five dollar cup of coffee and then to Mel's bowling for 3 frames. Whew was I beat after that. Don beat the pants off me. I never even broke 100 and he got like 190 every time lots of strikes too! here is a clip of one of his frames we thought Grandpa Bill would like to see..
Jason and Jessica came over for lasagne I had made 2 months ago. yum. they were good sports and then Don made a delicous berry cobbler. he is quite a cook these days. i remember when we met he Never even cooked an egg!
Jason Adores Maddie, can you tell... ...she loves him right back!
So we have been falling behind in our posting because we are too busy parenting. Isn't that really where our hearts should be?
We have been attending showers, Shane and Chris are expecting a baby in February! They practiced with Madeline and Lila
Hanging out with daddy
teaching Madeline how to take a pacifier! It finally worked for just a few minutes...but still...
and she took a bottle from Daddy...see the bottle in the foreground!
3 ounces. That means that if she keeps it up we can go out on a date or better yet... mom can take a nap one night!
Thank you for keeping posted even though we have been absent for a few days. Mommy had a migraine and it was downhill from there. Next week I hope to do better! XOXO