date night
jason visits

Don makes me the best breakfasts on Saturdays
Strawberry Pecan pancakes and sausage! YUM
Thanks to beth and jack. they brought strawberries over once and we got creative
and now i'm hooked!

Aunt V watched Madeline and we went to Pete's for a
Schaarfenberger Mocha Fredo OUR FAVORITE five dollar cup of coffee
and then to Mel's bowling for 3 frames. Whew was I beat after that.
Don beat the pants off me. I never even broke 100
and he got like 190 every time
lots of strikes too!
here is a clip of one of his frames
we thought Grandpa Bill would like to see..
Jason and Jessica came over for lasagne
I had made 2 months ago.
they were good sports and then Don made a delicous
berry cobbler.
he is quite a cook these days.
i remember when we met he Never even cooked an egg!
Jason Adores Maddie, can you tell...

...she loves him right back!
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