Our friends Petra and Vivien came over today.
Vivien is about a month and a half older than Madeline.
She is so sweet and happy. Petra moved here from Germany
6 years ago. She is a great, easygoing, caring mom.
Vivien was very entertained by Madeline but today our little
girl cut morning nap short and was kinda blase about the whole thing.
The playdate was probably more about me
getting to chat with a great mom and less
about the girls "playing". they are so much more interested in doing
their own thing and smiling at the mommies anyway. I imagine that playdates will be more
about swapping stories and drinking lattes than "play" for at least a few months. but i have lots
to learn from my mommy friends and its great that madeline tends to be younger than her
friends so they can give me great hints about feeding/sleeping/crawling etc.
Thanks moms!
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