Madeline has been dying to eat from a spoon. She watches intently as we chew
and slurps around with her tongue and lips. We decided to wait until after her 6 months shots and any possible reaction to them before introducing solids.
Today she ate something other than breastmilk or water for the very first time!
She loved it.
Now, truth be told, "solid" isnt exactly the right term for baby's first food.
It is most definately a liquid. Liquid avocado. But it was yummy to her.
Daddy gave her her first food today before work. They were a great team and took
turns with the spoon. I daresay she managed to get only about half of it on
her bib, hands, neck and even her ears.
Tomorrow: thicker avocado soup and by the end of the weekend we will be ready for squash or cereal or maybe yogurt.
We plan to make lots of Madeline's food. Somethings are just easier if we buy the organic baby food but others: veggies, fruits etc are pretty easy to bake, puree and freeze so we hope to be able to do that for a while. Anyone want to come over for a puree party?
Anyway, so far so good. She seems to like eating.
(is that a big surprise knowing her parents...come on now!)
First bites:
straight from breakfast to bath!!
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