Sorry no pics- we are feeling under the weather this week.
However here is an update:
Madeline is pulling herself to stand all the time now, especially in her
crib where she like to stand instead of sleep! Most of my day is spent bent over, holding her hands as she walks around and around and around stopping to check out something new and then climbing up on my lap to do it all over again. She loves her new perspective! She can pull herself to a sitting position from laying down, can "crawl" by dragging herself forward with her arms and then creeping her legs up. She can get accross the room this way and then rolls to whatever she wants but doesn't like it because it is so much more work than walking. She can pick up small pieces of food and feed herself- she likes carrots, tofu and fruit this way but they get all mushed in her palm most of the time. She can hold her spoon although it gets to her mouth upside down- she is trying! and drink from a regular cup (okay she always spills by the third sip but when she is careful she does great!) as well as a sippy cup. She can "cruise" around the furniture a little as long as we are there when she decides to leeeeeean backwards, head first and she is constantly practicing waving hello, recognizes the signs for milk and water and I think she even has developed a sense of humor. She makes funny noises and waits for me to squeal with laughter and then she does it again because she has learned cause and effect.
Still no words that are really "words" per se but she has been really physically active and they say they take turns growing verbally and physically.
This month she has had a lot of "firsts". She still only has 2 bottom teeth but the top teeth are on their way out for sure!
Oh and...we think she is allergic to milk. I gave her yogurt last month- to which she had a very bad reaction and yesterday I gave her a sip of formula to which she had the same reaction (and frankly i dont blame her- that stuff smells gross!) :)
Taking a big trip to NY this week- so we are hoping that we
are feeling better by tomorrow.
Dont worry, I'm bringing my camera, so I will try and make a post
while we are on the right coast.
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