Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Found her nose

This week she has been really into grabbing my nose and mouth (more so than usual) and so we started pointing at hers when she does this.
Last night we were making piggy noises for the nose and when i did it to her, she oinked right back and we had a blast making eachother laugh.

She is learning and understands so much. So much more than she can verbalize. Her signs are coming along. She knows and can use the sign for milk eloquently and can also do the same for "hat". She understands a few more like "water" "cat" and "all done" and tries to make some of these signs herself as well. I think she is picking up the sign for toothbrush as well. I can't wait until she feels like she can really communicate with us. The pointing thing works but isn't always clear.

oh- and she has been a champion sleeper this week!
i know- ive jinxed us, but i have to share the good as well as the bad and i know i've shared lots about her lack of sleep ;)


PAPARIC said...

great video, have you seen the dancing baby ad for pampers,the baby looks a little like madeline,but maddy probably dances better.
we love all the vivid descriptions you have been adding to the blog and the great photos of all three of you

Anonymous said...

cutest thing EVER!!!!

Tanya said...

She's AWESOME!!! I can't wait for that stage...well I can...but I look forward to it!! Happy Labor Day, guys!