Celebrating our family and our journey. Don Mann, Ashia Delabastide Mann, Madeline and Bennett Mann.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
dress up!
Okay, so embarassing as it may be, Madeline loves to dig in my underwear drawer and puts my underwear, bras and sports bras on ALL THE TIME! She then parades around the house all dressed up. no joke. we do not put them on her- she does this herself!
but she doesnt like the paparazzi to catch her in the act :)
Oh my gosh!!! Gabrielle does this too, she has been doing it forever! We used to think it was crazy, but oh so funny!!! I think it is hysterical that Madeline does this too!! They are destined to be great friends...
OK..that right there is TOO FUNNY!
Oh my gosh!!! Gabrielle does this too, she has been doing it forever! We used to think it was crazy, but oh so funny!!! I think it is hysterical that Madeline does this too!! They are destined to be great friends...
ha ah ahaa haha hah hahh ahhaha
look out. next she'll be throwing on a robe and diving into the snow to make snow angels!!
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