Madeline's first earthquake hit tonight!
Here is a link to the local news report:
Reports say 5.6 on the richter scale...for now. In actuality, it felt like a huge
truck drove by our house. We were placing Madeline down in her crib as it hit us (we are 30 miles from the epicenter-Alum Rock, CA, basically between San Jose and San Francisco proper) and it sounded like a loud plane was overhead. Then there was the rattling of things in her closet and then the whole house seemed to be rattling. Don and I emerged from her room and said "was that an earthquake". No biggie...
They say that within 72 hrs is always the possibility of an aftershock being stronger than the original quake. But the particular faultline that this one came from hasnt produced anything strong in a long time.
Yes,this was the strongest quake to hit since the big one that collapsed the bay bridge in '89. but its pretty tame. We were certainly not effected except in the sense that we are slightly more aware of the awesome power of mother nature than we were yesterday.
much love to you all.
Oh My goodness! No thank you! I think where you live is beautiful but I just couldn't do it. I'd be sitting around waiting for the big one to hit! Watch...one day I'll come to visit and that's when it would happen!!! Stay safe!
Glad to hear the family is OK - scary stuff!
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