We had our first emergency room experience last night (or should i say this morning...since we arrived at around 3am).
Madeline is fine now but i wanted to tell you that it is no fun and she was a brave trooper!
We had her on a nebulizer and medicine etc for croup a few weeks ago. it cleared up for a couple of weeks and WHAMO it came back last night with a scary force.
She was Whooping/coughing and it sounded like a barking seal...i kid you not. the sound is so scary to hear. and wheezing and crying...and we were on the phone with the nurse asap. She talked us through calming her throat problem down and said if it came back in the night (this first bout was at 11pm) that we should bring her in.
fast forward to 3am... and we were in the car within 3 minutes. She got the medicine she needed and caught her breath and fell asleep nursing in my arms. She got an hour of sleep and they sent us home.
Today she is not coughing as badly and has been a happy little bee, buzzing around as usual. But at the pediatrician's office we learned she has an Ear infection too!! this is her first, so we had no idea. she hasnt been irritable, nor pulling at her ears or having any symptoms except a cold. Who knew. she is such a tough cookie, she didnt fuss at all.
So she is being treated for both now...and we know she will have a clean bill of health soon
We are not looking forward to the years ahead and the many hospital visits we know we will probably make!
alright, time to catch up on last night's sleep.
Here are some pictures of madeline having happier times so you arent fretting about her for the rest of the day!
(in the wagon with Sachin and on the carousel at Happy Hollow)