We have really been enjoying our time with Dennis this week. He has been a super trooper,dealing with lots of late night wak-ups that last for hours, hospital trips, days all mixed up because of rotten naps etc. Par for the course with a sick baby, but he has been so helpful and generous and Patient - Thanks Den!
We had a small and wonderful t-day at home. Don is sticking to his diet like you would not believe and passed on all the fixins except the steamed veggies. He even went without dessert and wine. he is amazing. ... i ate enough for both of us.

Don made the turkey on our rotisserie and it was outrageous! I put together the mashed potaotes, sauteed green beans with almonds and cranberries, cranberry sauce with nuts and mandarins, steamed veggies and sweet potato. It was a hit.
Here is a little clip to send you running to your fridge for some leftovers!
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