It is Madeline's second Christmas and she is home in NY visiting family again. She has loved her time with our relatives and their associated pets. She was a trooper on the plane- I'd say the best baby there! Although she survived the day of travels, however, she now has a wicked cold- despite my pre-holiday trip to the pediatrician. A slight fever, cough and runny nose- which does wonders for her sensitive skin- bummer.
But when she is good she is very very good and she is practicing her new words with gusto. I will work on some pics as soon as i get the chance.
In the meantime,
Merry Christmas!
Celebrating our family and our journey. Don Mann, Ashia Delabastide Mann, Madeline and Bennett Mann.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
you should see the other guy
Well- here it is folks. the greusome pics of our little girl's
triumphant battle with the sidewalk.
Just so you are not horrified when you see her and her face looks like it has
be mauled by wild boars, we thought we'd send these out on the blogosphere!
i know. it stinks. and it is only the beginning of her being a toddler.
She has been walking for 4 months now. and is great on her feet, on stairs, bumps
etc. its just that i put her in a winter coat (an unfamiliar place to here around here) to prepare her for our 2 week trip to antarctica- i mean, Ny and Ks. and she lost her footing and was unable to brace her fall with her hands bc of the darned coat- she looked like Billy from A christmas story all bundled up and unable to move.
its all my fault.
and now i have to bear the scorn and shame of bringing her home for the holidays with a sad sad scab.
she took it in stride, though. here is is the next day- mostly smiles.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Talk talk talk- cat got your tongue?
We are about to embark on our two week family visiting journey and so we thought we would give you a heads up on what madeline is saying these days.
She has an arsenal of about 30 signs and about 20 words. I will give you an abridged list of the most popular of both and here is a link, for those of you with time on your hands, in case you want to see how she signs the words you may want to use with her.
She understands so much of what we are saying that you of course, dont need to know how to sign to tell her things, but she will tell you an awful lot with her hands and it might be fun for you to know what she is saying. so here is a link to a site with a signing, video dictionary where you choose letters and it will give you a list of words available for demo. when you click, it will show you a woman signing these words.
just thought it might be kinda fun. and yes, we are such hippies, i know!
and the one word we have NOT taught her, and hope for her not to learn, is "No". She is usually told "thats not for you", or "not right now, maybe later" or "try this instead". We have learned that for some of our friends, their 1 year olds know that two letter word all TOO well and use it more than mom and dad would like! So we are trying it out.
Anyway- here are Madeline's signs:
All done
night night
bubbles (she made this one up so its not the same as the ASL sign)
bath- she kind-of does this one but understands it more than she can replicate it
thank you (this looks like blowing a kiss but there is no noise)
Madeline's spoken words:
ball (pronounced dall)
mama and dada
cat (kitty cat)
dog (sometimes she says woo woo instead)
night night (nah nah)
bye bye
please (peez)
noodle (pronounced doo doo which is a commentary on my cooking i suppose)
nose (but usually she just points to hers and makes piggy sounds or cleans it out so to speak)
she also says "tickle tickle" and a host of gibberish words
we try to say the correct pronounciation for her every time she uses baby talk for one of her words like "please" instead of "peez"
anyway. i hope you are looking forward to seeing her, if we are coming to a town near you this month. and if we are not, we hope to see you sometime soon too!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Snow in San Mateo
We saw snow! at church, they brought in 4 trucks of snow and we sang carols and shared cookies and had a blast. madeline is not sure what all the fuss is about- its so cold... this is fun?
Friday, December 07, 2007
spinach etc
we have been getting our produce from an awesome organic farm. (Capay farms in the north bay) they deliver it each week or bi weekly or whenever and we have had some of the best apples, strawberries and pears in our lives, the satsuma mandarins and the greens are great too. We have had lots and lots and lots! of spinach and chard and kale though, this month and have had to find ways to make it right away and keep it from going bad. this week i made spinach tomato sauce. and madeline went to town!

she particularly liked how it felt in her ear and on her head...

Other pics include hanging with her friend Thomas at Mikey and Kay's house this morning and also finding her way into her closet. she loves shoes and will tear the house apart to get to hers. i have made a shoe shelf for hers, up high but she managed to pull and shake and take drawers out and climb her way up to get them. you'll see...<

ps: no obligation to join the produce delivery. 30 dollars for a large box (well worth it)and smaller boxes or just fruit are also options with no committment. and we get a free box if you join!
she particularly liked how it felt in her ear and on her head...
Other pics include hanging with her friend Thomas at Mikey and Kay's house this morning and also finding her way into her closet. she loves shoes and will tear the house apart to get to hers. i have made a shoe shelf for hers, up high but she managed to pull and shake and take drawers out and climb her way up to get them. you'll see...<
ps: no obligation to join the produce delivery. 30 dollars for a large box (well worth it)and smaller boxes or just fruit are also options with no committment. and we get a free box if you join!
Baby friends
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
then and now...
I just had to post this blast from the past that my godmother sent me. 

I know you are all thinking... wow those kids invented the goodwill style screen t-shirt fad.
and you are so right. now i want royalties!
oh- and why are we fatter now that we are older? now that don lost 29 lbs in november and i only shed a handful, i think looking at this pic makes me feel like stepping it up!

I know you are all thinking... wow those kids invented the goodwill style screen t-shirt fad.
and you are so right. now i want royalties!
oh- and why are we fatter now that we are older? now that don lost 29 lbs in november and i only shed a handful, i think looking at this pic makes me feel like stepping it up!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
It got cold in san mateo this evening.
We got to wear our scarves and hats for the first time!
We had to take a pic of madeline in her grizzly bear hat and paw mittens!
We got to wear our scarves and hats for the first time!
We had to take a pic of madeline in her grizzly bear hat and paw mittens!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
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