Friday, December 07, 2007

spinach etc

we have been getting our produce from an awesome organic farm. (Capay farms in the north bay) they deliver it each week or bi weekly or whenever and we have had some of the best apples, strawberries and pears in our lives, the satsuma mandarins and the greens are great too. We have had lots and lots and lots! of spinach and chard and kale though, this month and have had to find ways to make it right away and keep it from going bad. this week i made spinach tomato sauce. and madeline went to town!

she particularly liked how it felt in her ear and on her head...

Other pics include hanging with her friend Thomas at Mikey and Kay's house this morning and also finding her way into her closet. she loves shoes and will tear the house apart to get to hers. i have made a shoe shelf for hers, up high but she managed to pull and shake and take drawers out and climb her way up to get them. you'll see...<

ps: no obligation to join the produce delivery. 30 dollars for a large box (well worth it)and smaller boxes or just fruit are also options with no committment. and we get a free box if you join!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My parents have a picture of me, at about the same age, after pouring tomato soup over my head. I was covered!! but I looked happy :)