Don was horrified by the giant mess i let her make. She sat up at the counter with a big bowl, flour sifter and a measuring cup of water- paste!!
tasting it was by far the best part. I think the novelty is that it is essentially the same playdough i make for her but i let her eat it
read: "look at me mom- im eating this stuff and you arent stopping me!"
anyway. it was everywhere and i was able to bake without a toddler near the hot oven. miracle!
Then she spent more time with Grandma Rose "ma rose". They went on bike rides and carousel rides galore. I could not get a good one of the speedy carousel but you can get the drift ...
and here she is being a big girl with her new helmet (since all of our other stuff is still in storage).
In other news, we are close to choosing a midwife. But we wont have any official confirmation for another month or more. we really dont need to hear the professionals word on this- we think of ourselves as the experts on our pregnancy, but nevertheless, inquiring minds want to know.
We were targeting a 2 1/2 year age gap for our kids so this month was a great time to try. And, it seems we need only try once! (much to don's dismay ;)
Anyway, thats more than enough info for most of you.
more to come.
Love the paste photo - that is one of Eliana's favorite activities too! Hopefully the girls can "cook" together one day soon.
We're with you on the only need to try once boat...hello Fiona! They will be spaced PERFECTLY...YOU guys ARE the experts! It's whatever feels right. I'm still so excited for you guys! A new fun!
I don't envy you cleaning up that flour filled mess.
"One-Shot" Mann! Go Don Go!
PS Chinese gender guesser (i.e. me) says BOY!
I am so excited for you and your family! Now we're both on our way to having two little ones running around!!!
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