Finished the home inspection and termite inspection today and
it looks pretty good
(apart from the kitchen remodel we already plan and some normal
40 year old home repair things)
We are set for a closing of September 1
WHAT! Does that mean Christmas in DC folks? ....
with a move in on the second- unless we decide to rent-back for a week and
let the sellers stay (they have 4 kids afterall so its easier for us to hotel-it
if we have to).
Anyway, i guess it means we are really staying in DC for a while, huh?
keep your fingers crossed for us that the mortgage company doesnt go out of business
or some terrible tragedy befall the housing market between now and then (oh wait that already happened).
WOW! How exciting and what a BEAUTIFUL looking house! Now we'll have a nice big house to stay in when we come to visit with the kids :)
Congratulations you guys! I am so happy for you - it looks like you might have enough space for some guests...
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