I finally gave in and we took madeline for her first haircut on saturday.
Don and i found one of those kid cuts places with the tvs and the bells and whistles. Frankly, she was equally amused at the Hair cuttery so we go there next time LOL!
She did great- was mesmerized, i think and after having been with me to watch Grandma Rose get her hair done, she was eager to have hers snipped too.
She got a little hairclip at the end and loved running her fingers through her new healthier locks.
i do miss those curly cues of baby hair but it is an adorable pixie cut. Our friends in san mateo have a little girl, Bella, whose hairdo this reminds us of, and she is precious so we are loving it.
here are some before, during and after clips
get her done!
posing with her smock on at the salon.
(incidentally, she has a dance teacher named "miss salonge" and she is utterly confused by the similarity between the words...)
hamming it up with her pixie cut with Dad- making tapioca
Only three more weeks lol cant wait to see the kids
I LOVE tapioca. mmmmmmmmm.
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