Thursday, April 30, 2009

its monkey time again

Madeline standing atop her toddler tower at the kitchen counter:
"Im a monkey"
Mom sitting at the kitchen table eating cheerios
"Yes you are a monkey"
Jumping around, comes to a hault, looks at me deadpan
"you need to buy me a jungle"
Laughing out loud
"Jungles are not for buying they are part of the environment. They are a habitat"
Staring blankly
"Monkeys always live in a jungle"

how do you argue with that?
"or" i say "at the zoo. We should go to the zoo one day soon"

Whew- got out of that one unscathed.
Now to master naptime

1 comment:

Emily said...

Robert wanted me to buy him a mountain the other day. So he could climb it. That one was a no-go, too.