Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shawn came for a visit!

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Madeline was so thrilled to have her godfather here for a week and a half! We had a great time learning all about EA active sports together and eating two rib dinners, a mini thanksgiving, krispy kreme, rockville’s homemade gourmet donuts, carmen’s italian ice gelatis and five guys.  we so needed a break from all the fun :)

we had to pry the ribs out of his hands- he had all but eaten the bones! You did us proud.jul09 003

Shawn was great with the baby too- never hesitated when i handed him Bennett nor when we asked him to babysitt madeline while we went to the billy/elton concert.

We hope you had a nice time too Shawn, and it wasnt All work :)  Come back soon- and bring a brother or two and maybe a mom and dad next time!


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