another oldie but goodie sesame street clip.
i just love being able to pull up a 1 min video for madeline. youtube rocks for this as a little reward or treat without the committment of a whole episode of anything. And it just so happens that there are some really nice values asserted in the older episodes especially.
ok. so mom was a little flighty hippie but its a nice explanation and since m has so often been found nursing her dolls these days it was appropros.
Awwwwwww! We have the "Sesame Street- Old School" DVD's that we try to make Eddie watch...but he has no interest. We sure like them though...brings back memories!
That was great to watch. Good explanation. I'll have to show Reilly. He asks a lot about it and asks about when he was a baby, but his mom didn't breastfeed him, so this might be good for him. Thanks for posting!
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