Sunday, February 21, 2010

I ♥ Madeline

it may appear as if we had no son on valentine's day... but we just neglected to take any pics. sorry bean- a totally bennett post will be available in a few days ;)

Valentine's day breakfast- heart pancakes for us and madeline's special request, snowman pancakes with chocolate chip eyes and whipped cream... mmm

Valentine's day at school- junk food!

Valentine's day dinner- she chose homemade pizzas

Here's don braving the cold to grill up some sweet t bones for us

and my favorite, our friends, the wongs Eliana: 4, Benjamin: 2, came over and we exchanged valentines's last week. Can you guess which child is which?

Hint: Benjamin and Madeline have matching tights! LOL love this little guy's fashions sense. He adores his big sister... can you tell?

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