Madeline loves her new easel. We put it together as soon as we got back from NY and she asks to paint every day. She has been stamping, coloring and drawing constantly. It is a great imaginative play activity and she loves getting all ready and cleaned up!
Here she is in action.
Thank you Aunt Margaret!
1 comment:
WOW. I need to be more like you. I am WAY too typre A. It's refreshing how you are so relaxed about the remote(or not so remote with a 2 year old) possibility of getting paint all over the floor, cute monkey pj's, hands, face, etc....
I must say I have gotten much better though:) Mothering two children has relaxed me TREMENDOUSLY! I'm too tired to care :) She is so adorable though. I LOVE the way she is so concentrated on what she is doing.
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