We were trying to get her to sleep in her bed (uhm like normal people) and all of a sudden, a few days ago, the only solution was "you either have to go in your room and go to sleep in your bed or you can play quietly on the floor if you want". At which point she went in, pulled her blankets down and slept on the floor. Since then, every night she has opted for floor.
uhm ok. maybe its just her way of having control? ..."I dont get to choose when i go to sleep but i can choose where"...
And no- she is not afraid or uncomfortable bc she has been napping in her bed- in fact better than ever!
anyway, thought I'd share. any thoughts?
meanwhile... snow continues here, and ice. And these people dont know how to deal with it! They keep closing school and issuing warnings- its so silly! So here is a snapshot of madeline and eliana playing in the snow in our yard.
That is too cute. When she gets older and realizes it is more comfy she'll move back to the bed. Hey...she's in her own room so your one step ahead of us. Oh...here they close school and everything else if the weatherman even thinks about snow....it's hysterical.
When my sister was little she insisted on sleeping on a couch that we had in the bedroom that we shared. And there was a period where I insisted on sleeping on the floor, too. Definitely a control thing. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure she'll get bored of it after a while.
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