Friday, March 13, 2009

Not Yet

No baby boy yet.
Which is normal.. In fact it is more abnormal to have had a baby by his due date. Approx 75% of moms dont deliver till after the EDD.

So... what that simply means is, this baby is growing and happy to be where he is for now. We are certainly in no hurry to have him arrive before he decides he is ready to be here. Although, of course we are so excited to meet him and mom's belly is growing and growing...
Everyone is perfectly healthy and happy and we intend to keep it that way :)

Anyway, we thank you all for checking in with us but we have no news to share as of yet and we PROMISE to post on the blog and send a few emails and phone calls when the big day comes.

much love

1 comment:

Just a "little" Crazy said...

Just because he hasn't decided to come yet doesn't constitute "no news".....The fact that he is happy in Mommy's warm tummy is still "news" if we could all be as patient as baby boy Mann!Can't wait to see the little bugger!