it has been about two and a half years since this picture was taken. so much has changed...
she has become such a little person of her own. Able to express herself, and take care of her own needs, has her own sense of humor, opinions and wishes and such a truly kind heart. we are awed at the person she is and so excited to see what is to come.
Madeline Rosemary Mann, three years old on September 26 2009.
woah. Happy Birthday our big girl. You will always be our little bundle of joy. xoox
In celebration of another year, here are our top 10 Madeline phrases of her second year of life.
1. 'that feel me better'.- as in 'i need a cookie to feel me better'
2. When asking for us to blow on her food "Can you cool on it for me?"
3. "what i can do daddy?" Or any sort of flip-flop of the pronoun or subject.
4. When we explain that she should not do that again she looks us straight in the eye and says: "I will not do that"
5. In her most sweet, high-pitched voice "would you do me a favorite?"
6. She has a few imaginary friends and lots of made up scenarios, this month its
"I'm Penelope, you are sonja and madeline's my sister" or "here is my buddy and my grandmother and my cousin"
7. Past tense...'i beed very cooperate...can i have my reward now?"i: maked, dood, buyed or any such phrase..." especially 'i sayed...' Also a variation of the tense thing is the pluralize thing ie: The use of the word They- as in "i cant hold they".
8. If she would like something for later (ie: here water bottle in the car or something of that nature)[
"Need i case it..."
9. When we are traveling "Where's our going?"
10. When she has excused herself from her bed (usually around 9pm after 90 min of back and forth she marches in our room and ruminates:
"Probably i need..." or "I need something" but has no idea, of course, what it is...
And a quick story:
You know the old "got your nose" gig we do with thumbs...? Well, we did it to madeline. In fact it was me- and i thought i was so clever. I said "Gotcha nose madeline"
And she cracks a smile, looks at me dead in the face and says "Thats not your (of course she meant my) nose mommy, you got yourself!" and preceded to crack up.
Thanks for keeping it real kiddo. At least let us think we pulled one over on you every once in a while.
Awww... Your stories "maked" me cry. I miss that girl. Give her a big kiss for me!
That's amazing. It's crazy how they grow! I hope Madeline has a wonderful 3rd birthday and how amazing that she gets to celebrate it this year with her little brother!!!
At first I thought that first picture was Bennett!! Amazing how big she got. I LOVE all the Madeline phrases. Too cute :)
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