24 years ago a couple: Steve and Cindy, got married in the woods with their friends on a tent camping trip in MD. They made a weekend of fun out of it and returned the following year for an anniversary celebration.
24 years later, they are still celebrating. Sadly, Cindy, passed away from cancer a few years ago but Steve decided to continue the tradition in her honor and this year, Kate, his secodn wife was there to help.
Each year the party grows to include friends of friends. Our friends started attending 12 years ago and this year we were "Nubes"- affectionate nicknames for the rookies to cool aid. This year, More bands, more fun, more tribes with more themes. (We are the glow tribe.) At one point they had to change venues because there were now hundreds of people attending.
This year there were 400 of us. Decked out with glow sticks, tie die, bikinis, silly hats or glasses, bicycles, tricycles, frisbees, sunblock and bugspray :)- whatever works.
A huge farm, with a large pond for swimming,
canoeing and beach play, alongside a river for tubing and canoeing, bandshell, beer truck with unlimited supply, a huge cookout, and a few hundred tents filled with families, singles, couples, hippes, yuppies, yippies and every combination of person, style and demographic...
all there for the same purpose: to celebrate life, have fun and be cool.
Everyone chips in, everyone volunteers some time: some picking up trash on the farm with the "leave no trace" motto, some lifeguarding at the pond, others towing tubers to the river on pickups
, some cooking, some creating the bonfire, creating the stage and bandshell, ice runner, empanada chef, building sandcastles with kids, sharing craft supplies, playing music, dancing, all the jobs were done with a smile. Everyone had a hand in it. it was amazing. no complaints!
We had the best time in our small family's history and are already counting down... 362 days till next year.
Grateful to the Phillips for the invitation and excited to share our pics with you.
even the catterpillars were so cool
Andrea being a kid at heart in madeline's wagon when we ran out of camp chairs
1 comment:
Wow!! Looks like an amazing trip!!
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