Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Booty shot

This is what happens when you leave the baby with daddy so you can
go to the dentist.

Madeline and her new boyfriend, Matthew

I had Matthew over here the other day and Madeline got a lesson
in sharing as they tried to 'read' a book together :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007


She is a jumping fool!
We hadn't used this in a while and the other day she was trying to
jump while holding hands so we pulled it out
and she was stoked.
check it out :)

Madeline finds mommy's phone and wallet




She loves to chew on these things so we snapped a few pics on the way out of the house
to the park.
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baby babble

Madeline's word this week is Baba, bowbow or some derivative of that.
She was stuck calling everything Mahmah or mumum last week and she
has also discovered how to run her fingers over her lips to make
a cool baby sound while humming.
its kinda fun around here despite the (still) lack of sleep or eating on m's

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

slaving in the kitchen



Madeline loves to help me reorganize the cabinets
i thought she looked especially cute standing IN the collandar!

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Thursday, July 12, 2007


I won my first game of chess!

My cousin Shawn got me hooked on chess when last i went to NY.

Now Don and I play every night and our next door neighbors bought us a nice glass
set from Mexico and I have played at least 15 losing games.

Tonight I won my first game!
(do you think Don let me win?)

What is she up to these days?

She Loves her books! Really...the kid has a house full of toys (thanks to
all of our generous friends and family, since we rarely buy her toys :) and all
she wants to play with are her books. We have a corner in the living room, the "book nook"
and she spends most of her time crawling over there, pulling out books and examining them,
tasting them or just turning the pages. This week she has begun talking to them. i think
she is "reading aloud". She particularly likes the Eric Carle books (Brown Bear... and ...Caterpillar...) and Pat the Bunny but she kisses the faces on the sign language baby
books because those have photographs in there of cute babies!
We hope she never loses her love of books.
Here is a clip.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Weekend camping

We went on a deer hunt. M wanted venicen obviously.
then she took a nap and mom and dad hung out in the sun bc
it was soooooo cold!

More camping fun- 2 mile Day hike on Saturday
We saw some big bugs, butterflies etc and a few deer.
See mom in the pic run away and then the baby go whizzing by after.

The girls hanging out while we collapsed our tents on Sunday. Eliana was a great pseudo big sister!
Madeline and daddy found a very cool tree!
Aunt jemima monkey back mommies!
Eliana got the marshmallows!

The BYOTS facilities.
brrr....we forgot to bring our own toilet seats ; yikes!)


First night-
Coyote tries to clean up our dinner

bad pic (he ran away and the shutter speed was slow)
but you get the gist.

Lots to eat with our friends Rachael, Jonah and their 18mo/old Eliana

Madeline in our Huge tent!


Huddart Park, CA


I havent uploaded all of my photos yet and will soon but thought
you might want to see 2 quick pics of our camping trip this weekend!
We had a wonderful time, made some good friends and really enjoyed
spending lots of quiet time together.
more to come!
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Monday, July 02, 2007

random pics

squealing at Bella
a very flattering pic of Madeline and uncle Michael
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hanging at club fidotta

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at the park with Jill and Mike Zygo

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Pics from NY earlier this month

more pics from our trip home last month...just in!

A snapshot by aunt v the professional photographer master apparently

out smiling with Jill and Mike Zygo

playing with Shawn and Bella
She loves animals! You should hear her squeal when we see a dog or cat!