Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today's Update

Madeline has turned a corner, i firmly believe.
We spoke to the doctor yesterday and she confirmed it.
The past two weeks were rough on us because she did not seem
satisfied after her meals and would not sleep unless
she was in constant motion. It was taking hours to get her
down at night and napping was out of the question
unless it was on a walk or drive.
She was in a growth spurt and could not manage to soothe

The past few days there is a new baby in the house.
Nursing is going much better again, she seems full
and is sleeping soundly. She is even sleeping in her
crib at night! And when she wakes up she has been able to
calm herself and fall back to sleep.

Sunday night she slept for 8 hours
and last night 5 hours.
believe it or not...5 hours is considered
"sleeping through the night"!
yeah right.

but her days are happier, she is calm and smiley again all day
just sitting in her carseat or in our arms or her swing etc.
We took a walk and she just gurgled and smiled and laughed
all around the neighborhood. She has such a great personality.

We even took a grocery trip and i put her in the baby bjorn and
shopped for an hour or so! She was a happy bouncing baby and fell
asleep towards the end, and i put her in the carseat and drove home with
no problems. she slept while i unpacked the car and read the mail.

she is swinging now, having spent an hour playing with mommy this morning
she was practicing rolling over....(okay falling over). She props
herself up on her hands and leans her head all the way over to the side until
she slowly rolls on her side, then she rolls on her side and laughs!
She may not be really rolling over yet but i think its close. She is not
able to hold her head up for a long time but it is almost 90 degrees
off the floor for a few seconds and she can suspend her head at 45 degrees
for a lot longer.

She is making strides!

Sorry no pictures yet today. but i wanted to let you know how well she is doing
and all that she is learning this week. She is a very happy baby and she
is six weeks old today! Not a newborn anymore. She is almost 11 pounds!

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