Sunday, January 21, 2007

Baby Got Back!

So...Here is a better clip, where it doesnt look like she is "cheating".

I can't believe she is so busy this month.
Blowing bubbles all day- isnt that a pretty sight, drool spraying out of her mouth makes her hysterical!

Rolling over and over

Sitting up, holding her hands together and picking things up with both hands

Grabing, reaching and bringing everything to her mouth

she can finally latch on to eat w/o my help

She is sitting up pretty well, though we need to prop her if we dont want to
watch her eventually tip over (she has not mastered the "put my arms out and catch
myself thing".

Putting herself to sleep still without crying but we swaddle still since her
hands make her too intrigued to fall asleep. Cant wait to lose the swaddle
and the pacifier soon. (baby steps)

Woah. no wonder this kid wont eat and decided not to sleep anymore
she is very very busy!

We are so proud and now, we want her to stop
and stay a little tiny baby forever!

okay: here's the clip!

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