Sunday, March 25, 2007

All sorts of excitement this weekend!

Madeline is sitting up on her own now! She topples to the side every so often

and needs some supervision with this advanced task but she is doing it

and really likes her new perspective. She has a tendency to lean back in her

"baby arching back ninja" position so that she can try to stand up though, and that

is her downfall...because she is yet to pull herself up (come on she is only 6 months

old!) but don't tell her that because she has convinced herself she can and doesn't need

the sitting skill at all!

We caught her standing up on camera yesterday and the sitting pics are yet to be

uploaded. More for later!

1 comment:

Just a "little" Crazy said...

WOW!! How quickly they grow! It's amazing. So strong standing up all by her beautiful self!! You go with your bad self girl!