Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Uncle Deedge and Auntie Kiara

Madeline had several visitors at Club Fidotta. Unfortunately we did not
take pics with the Zygos (but i think they have one or two for us).

She went to visit Aunt Suzie but Gabrielle was at her dad's so we didnt get to see

her and unfortunately she had dinner and bathtime that night when Ellie was free-:(

But Ellie sure shared her clothes with Madeline (AGAIN) so we have a summer

wardrobe now too. Thank you so much Ellie!

Here is Dennis (aka uncle deedge), learning about how his
expressions can influence Madeline's mood!

She likes him!!

Okay- so the real question is, who is more beautiful-
I won't tell!
Kiara brought us a cool gift from the Long Island Children's museum where she teaches theatre and dance to lots of kids. Madeline cannot wait to attend her class in a few summers- though since she is going to do Dreamgirls with Jennifer Holliday, she may never come back to LI!


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