Friday, March 07, 2008


here are a few pics of madeline with her playgroup at Ryder Park. All of her friends are about the same age. check it out!

here is Matthew and Madeline. uhm he is wearing 4T clothes and she is still in 12-18mo. isnt that crazy! what are we doing wrong? :)

doesnt she look like strawberry shortcake? she has just about outgrown this hat but she always chooses it so we need a replacement floppy hat. the sun is strong here and she is always squinting unless we have a nice big floppy hat on her. it has become her trademark!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reilly also has a floppy hat that he absolutely LOVES!!! He insists on wearing it all the time. sometimes in the winter we have to convince him to wear a warm hat under his floppy hat so he doesn't freeze!

There are pictures of him wearing his favorite green floppy hat on my MySpace page.