Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nana and Papa


Here’s a pic from the halloween party that our moms club held.  all the families who had one, brought a pop tent and the adults got inside. kidds went tent to tent to trick or treat. and Nana and Papa were great sports!  Here is Nana driving her trick or treat fire truck!DSCN2230


Madeline at the air and space museum with nana and papa.

DSCN2236 flying high!

DSCN2241 DSCN2249

DSCN2257 ‘playing’ in the leaves.

thanks for the wacky hat- so autumnal, Nicole ;)

DSCN2256 bennett was thrilled.

DSCN2262 a quick screen shot from our carport movie theatre on halloween!


we miss you guys. and hope everyone has recovered from the trip! xoxo

1 comment:

PAPARIC said...
