Saturday, December 19, 2009

Aunt Julie, Raymond and Grandma Rose week!


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Madeline loved playing with her cousin, Raymond!

dec09 003

dec09 010 3 kids in the middle row!dec09 009

dec09 037 SNOW DAY!

Christmas in town square

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Bennett loves his silly aunt julie! she has so much energy for him, he was all smiles with her and… they got a LOT of time together. YAY!

dec09 052 Aunt Mary came for early Christmas dinner..Of course Grandma Rose is not in the pics… bc she was slaving away in the kitchen.  but Darn it was good!

Come back Soon. we miss you guys :)

1 comment:

Grandma Rose said...

Bennett seems to be saying, "Raymond you can't crawl before me I'm the BIG cousin."