Saturday, August 28, 2010

darndest things

Madeline and i had a lot of quiet time together tonight as Don is in CA and B still goes to sleep at 7.

We were scooping watermelon with the melon baller- which is one of the kids' favorite summer pastimes of course.
After devouring about 1/4 of the melon, she looks up at me and says :

"Is a watermelon a seed habitat?"

Then later, we are playing 'visitor' and she comes to the front door to ring the bell, I answer as always 'won't you please come in?!" and this is where she usually says "here is a pepperoni pizza i brought!" and she makes me put it in the kitchen -all mimed of course.
but tonight she steps in, on tippy toes and says

"My your house smells like roses!"
'thank you'
"Have you painted your floors?"
"I have a flower in my hair, see?".

The kid just cracks me up- where does she get this stuff?!

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is awesome! I hope if she were to come visit her Aunt Julie someday she would tell me that my house smells like Roses. So creative! Beautiful pictures, too.