Tuesday, January 26, 2010

we are busy

so busy over here now that you put Bennett down and he is GONE!
At least it is winter so we are rarely outdoors. In 2 months or so I'm doomed bc this kid is going to be covered in mud and wandering about our neighborhood LOL. Oh and btw he'll be a 1 year old then. OMG

the kids playing before breakfast on monday. yes our house is a zoo.

if you take off the cute cupcake shirt, he really is just a baby chimpanzee...


Just a "little" Crazy said...

THAT is a zoo? You really need to spend some time at my house!!! Everything looks under control to me!!! You're doing great Mama. You totally should have more chimps-LOL!

Tovah said...

Yup, we've been calling Jasper "Monkey" from the very beginning. It's surprising how similar our babies are to monkeys!! ;)