Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are you kidding me?



This is what happens when I go to work at madeline’s co-op and leave Don and Deedge home with the kids.

WHY cant don be the SAHP and I make the money?

He literally made this pie without any help. and it tastes exactly as good as it looks.

(Strawberry Rhubarb btw bc we were inspired by this week’s CSA items!)


I came home and made yummy cocoa to go with it. Our friends and neighbors, the Wise family brought us delicious cocoa powder from Trinidad bc Izionne knows about my family heritage (Grandpa was born there) and always likes to introduce us to my roots. The other day it was Tamarind candy which Madeline loved but was too spicy for me!

So we made this last night too:


The local Shaman created it from things he picked and collected in the trees/plants from the village in which they stayed. (It comes as a hard rock of the cocoa and you have to grate it and mix it with sugar and milk to make a more american friendly concoction).





PAPARIC said...

WOW ! You are so lucky

Just a "little" Crazy said...

That is my FAVORITE pie!!!! How far away are you??? And can you save me a slice?? :)