Wednesday, May 26, 2010

He speaks

It occurs to me that i haven't put any videos of Bennett and his new words on the blog in a while. I will work on that this week.
Meanwhile, here is what he is saying (note that while many of these words are clear to him, and used for the correct purpose regularly, some come out sounding rather different- check the parenthesis for pronunciation ;)

Bye Bye
Dada (with sign)
sister (sistuh)
ball (bah) (with sign)
bear (beh)... and sound effect "rar"
cracker (crackah)
cow... moo
eat (with sign)
cheese (chsss) (with sign)
apple (appuh) (with sign)
trees (trss) (with sign)
dog (gog).. wffff (with sign)
hat (haaa) (with sign)
eyes (points)
nose (no)(points)
flower (lowah)
car (cah) vrmmm
duck/quack (kok/kak) (with sign)
water (wahwah)
more (meh)(with sign)
baby (behbhe)
girl (guh)
Thank you (dah tyou)(with sign)
night-night (nah nah)


Grandma Rose said...

I am looking forward to hearing all those words in person! Only FOUR more days till I see my precious grandchildren in person. Love you all!

Tovah said...

Just realized it's been forever since I checked your blog. So cool to see Bennett's list of words!! He and Jasper have a lot of similar interests :)

We're hoping to make it to the DC area (finally) this August...we'll keep you posted!