Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter morning

We dyed eggs saturday night and left them for the easter bunny to find. Madeline also hid a few empty plastic eggs. The bunny came and put cranberries inside of them! She was thrilled and then enjoyed the rest of our very secular Easter.
We made a ham and called it easter dinner but, without going to church, something felt missing. we just havent found a service for kids that we like around here so for now it will be pagan holidays for the dc manns.

Anyway, she loved hunting for eggs, rooting through her basket for thhe fruit leather and snacking on a special treat (mmm slice and bake bunny cookies!) no dairy in those folks bc there isnt one real food ingredient on the label! its all polysyllabic words that mean artificial... but they are so good warm...

and then Bennett got his treat- Easter mommy's milk. but there was too much for him, and as is the case every other time as well, he pulls away just as the milk comes and we all get a milk bath. thanks B.


1 comment:

Just a "little" Crazy said...

Love the face .....he's like WHAT THE HECK are you doing to me woman!
And what kind of easter egg dye is that??? It looks like jello???